Why this matters
Arts programs are the first to be cut when budgets are tightened, but help develop important skills that enrich students’ serve our students throughout their lives. Using a web-based Q & A, I guide the audience through an argument for the value of teaching fine arts to children. I used the appeals to logos and pathos to argue that it is not just smart, but right to incorporate arts education in elementary school curricula. Why teaching fine arts to children matters
Creative Strategy
- Create a website with interactive questions related to teaching fine arts to children.
- The audience is parents, teachers , school boards, and school administrators.
- Key message is that arts education matters and needs to be valued and funded.
- Show that students educated in the arts develop critical thinking skills applicable to many fields and disciplines.
- Support that claim with links to research.
- Call for the reader to advocate for arts education in their own community and beyond.
Visual Communication
- Use of bright colors to increase the appeal and engagement.
- Straightforward design does not detract from or overpower the message.
- Typographic choice evokes early reader primers.
- Interactive element guides the reader through the argument.
- Design choices include:
- Mobile-first approach to the site design and build